Museum Open Day - Darlington Point

Museum Open Day - Darlington Point

Murrumbidgee Council in partnership with the National Trust Australian Heritage Festival are holding a museum open day in Darlington Point on Sunday 13th May (Mother's Day). 

The open day will be held at the Darlington Point Museum, Old Police Station, Darlington Street, from 10am to 3:30pm. Gold coin entry, light refreshments will be available. 

There will be two parts to the display: 

"Many paths to the point" will showcase some of the different cultural backgrounds in the community, and featuring a display recalling the days of the Warangesda Mission. 

"Tubbo Station 1940's - 1950's": a selection of photographs never before publically displayed, to be staged at the recently refurbished Courthouse building. 

For more information contact Murrumbidgee Council on 1300 676 243. 


Image: Warangesda remains, 2017, by Miriam Rystedt. 



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