Bunting – A Virtual Sewing and Sharing Project

Bunting – A Virtual Sewing and Sharing Project

Narrandera stitchers now have a new project to get their sewing kit out for. The Virtual Bunting Together Project aims to have participants use fabric scraps and various stitching techniques to make bunting flags which will be put together to create lengths of bunting late in 2020. The project will be shared on social media, and participants are encouraged to post their work on-line.  

The project is part of Narrandera Arts & Creative Network’s (NACNet) Creative Repair and Stitch Station Program, which encourages re-use of clothing and other materials through creative repair and up-cycling.

“We had been planned to roll out the project up at the Arts Hub at the Station this year, however the need for people to self-isolate created by COVID19 meant we needed to change our approach very quickly”, said NACNet Chairperson Julie Briggs.

“We wanted to create a way for people to contribute and maintain contact with others during the isolation period. 

“The project suddenly took on a new importance in this new environment. We created a Group on Facebook and an Instagram account.

“These allow participants to connect and share their efforts at creating colourful bunting flags”, said Mrs Briggs.

The project is open to all ages and genders and encourages people to make bunting flags around any of four themes: rock ‘n roll, Irish/Folk, white on white, or natural for e.g. using eco-dyed fabric. The aim is to bring all these flags together towards the end of 2020 and sew them into lengths of bunting for use at local events and celebrations. 

Participants can find measurements and guidance by joining the Facebook Group Virtual Bunting Together, and information and examples can also be seen on the @virtualbuntingtogether Instagram account. NACNet looks forward to being able to provide some colourful bunting to support local events in future.

Mrs Briggs said the project is not confined to the Narrandera community. “People from other towns or organisations are welcome to make bunting for use in celebrating their own spaces and events. 

“What we’d love to see is a coming together through virtual sharing in our social media connections during this challenging time.”

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